Практический курс английского языка - Сборник упражнений (А.Р.Залялеева)

Lesson 4

Give the words or word combinations defined as the following:


1) very unkind and cruel, and deliberately behaving in a way that is likely to upset or hurt someone; 2) the desire to harm someone because you hate them; 3) with the deliber- ate intention of doing something that is against the law; 4) an organized sports event be- tween two teams or people; 5) a match played at a team's own sports ground, or at a dif- ferent ground; 6) a small wooden or paper stick with a special substance at the top, that you use to light a fire, cigarette etc 6) rub a match against a surface to produce a flame;

7) something that is the same colour or pattern as something else, or looks attractive with it; 8) someone who is much stronger, cleverer etc than their opponents; 9) a marriage or two people who are married; 10) a marriage of two people who are exactly right for each other; 11) a situation in which something is suitable for something else, so that the two things work together successfully; 12) to be suitable for a particular person, thing, or situa- tion; 13) to put two people or things together that are similar to or somehow connected with each other; 14) to be equal to something in value, size, or quality; 15) to give a sum of money that is equal to a sum given by someone else.


Exercise 109.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:


1) Mr Jameson dismissed the allegations as malicious rumours. 2) Nixon's family called Stone's depiction of the late President ''erroneous and malicious.'' 3) And she specially enjoyed the extra malicious thrill of her husband's frustration. 4) And why does

he stay so long, even as the festivities turn malicious? 5) Bored dowagers with wisps snuggling on the shoulders, whispering flattery and malicious rumour in their perfectly sculpted ears. 6) One of the major flaws in the existing system is that the prosecutor has immunity from law suits claiming malicious prosecution. 7) She saw those cold eyes turn towards her, caught a gleam of pure malice. 8) Then, being human, he in- dulges in a spurt of malice. 9) There was no malice in his voice, no sign of rage. 10) We bear you no malice and hope that when you leave our valley your journey is a good one. 11) Guerrilla tactics proved more than a match for the Soviet military machine.

12) Doctors failed to find a match for the bone marrow transplant. 13) Keith sprained his wrist in a wrestling match. 14) Stores will mix paints so you can get a good match for your curtains. 15) A fairytale match it is - makes one wish one were young again!

16) Do I fear for her chances of making another match? 17) From what I saw of the match he played well. 18) Furthermore, Gregor Townsend, the 19-year-old fly-half, had an excellent match to confirm he is a player of rich potential. 19) Sir Thomas now wel- comes the match that he first feared. 20) Fancy designer labels tend to come with fancy price tags to match. 21) The two candidates are fairly evenly matched. 22) The gov- ernment has promised to match any private donations to the earthquake fund. 23) The DNA samples found on her body did not match up with a sample taken from the ac- cused. 24) The employment agency exists to match up graduates and IT companies.

25) Match the words on the left with the pictures on the right. 26) Anderson will receive a bonus that matches his base salary. 27) Baltimore's economic performance has not matched that of comparable cities. 28) Forming alliances with other countries was the only way to match the power of the enemy. 29) GMI tries to match students with com- panies that will hire them. 30) I'm looking for a rug to match my bedroom curtains.

31) In the lounge everything matched; the curtains, the sofa, the carpet and the cush- ions. 32) Nothing we have ever seen matches this moment. 33) Teresa got everything to match for the baby's room. 34) The only cars which could match the acceleration of the Ferraris were the Shelby Cobras and Aston Martins. 35) Tom's description and mine matched. 36) He wore motor-cyclist's leathers underneath, black and shiny, with calf-length boots to match. 37) Her eyes tuned in, but her mind could not match them.

38) If he loves her, such feelings are changeable; an impulse to match Harriet with dis- appointed Frank is quickly put by. 39) Otherwise, Exe Directory is a way of matching the supply and demand of research ideas. 40) The town was getting a woozy, criminal feeling that rather matched his own. 41) We shall have to match his fighting spirit, and not let our fear overwhelm us before the first blow is struck.


Exercise 110.

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary:


1) Кто распускает эти злобные слухи? 2) Мисс Симмс радовалась от злости, когда у других людей случались несчастья. 3) Люди все еще злые, потому что они несчастные. 4) Он обезумел от ревности и от этого злонамеренного предположе- ния. 5) Его глаза блестели от злости. 6) Она это сделала просто от злости. 7) Го- лос Хагена был наполнен злостью, когда он планировал свою месть. 8) Не было ни злости, ни упрека. 9) Это наш последний матч в этом сезоне. 10) Они готовятся к важному матчу, который состоится завтра. 11) Хорошие команды всегда выиг- рывают домашние матчи. 12) МакКлэр заработал своим голом титул лучшего иг- рока матча. 13) Не позволяй своим детям играть со спичками. 14) Пег чиркнула спичкой и зажгла свечу. 15) Я порвала письмо и подожгла его. 16) Та рубашка превосходно подходит к твоей синей юбке. 17) Карлос не был парой для чемпио- на. 18) На этот раз ты встретил настоящего соперника, Адам Бернс! Я не сдамся

без борьбы! 19) Они прекрасная пара. 20) Клэр удачно вышла замуж. 21) Нам не- обходимо установить баланс между нуждами студентов и методами преподава- ния.  22)  Эксперты  по  шахматам  ожидали,  что  Каспаров  выиграет следующий матч.  23) Эрик забил единственный гол в матче против Албании. 24) Если мы выиграем три следующих матча, мы все еще сможем дойти до полуфинала. 25) Мы покрасили шкафы в зеленый цвет, чтобы они подходили к ковру. 26) Подозре- ваемый соответствовал описаниям, которые дали свидетели. 27) Их поступки расходятся с их словами. 28) Копия очень сильно похожа на оригинал. 29) Мы по- можем найти вам дом, который будет соответствовать вашим требованиям. 30) Его сила находиться в гармонии с его умом. 31) Линдсей противопоставлял ее шаги шагам другой девушки, когда они шли. 32) В финале Агасси был соперником Сампраса. 33) Моя мать потратила свою жизнь, пытаясь свести меня с различны- ми женщинами. 34) Казалось, что у Стефании были подходящая сумочка и туфли к любой одежде. 35) На ней были черные туфли на высоком каблуке, которые гармонировали с ее юбкой и жакетом. 36) Их работа в правительстве не совсем соответствовала их предвыборным обещаниям. 37) Эта помада хорошо подобра- на под блузку. 38) Зарплата не вырастет так, чтобы соответствовать ценам. 39) Ты не можешь выйти в непарных носках.


Exercise 111.

Paraphrase the following sentences using active vocabulary:


1) James did not feel any malice towards her. 2) He is a wicked person. 3) The meeting degenerated into a loud angry argument. 4) A cricket game was in progress on the school sports field. 5) Are you going to the game tomorrow? 6) Do you think this outfit looks attractive together? 7) Your socks don't look the same. 8) Teaching materi- als should suit individual students' needs. 9) Can you name the animals and draw a line from them to the correct countries? 10) All checked-in baggage must be connected with a passenger travelling on the aircraft. 11) Few cities in Europe can be equal in cultural richness with Berlin. 12) Their accounts just don't agree.


Exercise 112.

Using Longman Activator Dictionary or any other English Dictionary find out the differ- ences in the meaning and usage of the following synonyms:


deliberately cruel in order to upset someone: malicious, spiteful, spite, vindictive;

equal in quality, standard, or ability: be as good as, be equal to, equally,  equal/match, rival, be on a par with, be evenly matched, there's nothing to choose between;

an occasion when people compete against each other in a game: game, match, event;

to beat someone in a game, competition, election etc: beat, defeat, get the better of, be more than a match for;

better than someone or something else: better, superior, of a higher standard/of higher quality, beat, a cut above, have the edge on/over, have an advantage over, be more than a match for, special;

to lose a game, argument, election, war etc: lose, be beaten, be defeated, defeat, meet your match, take a beating;

when two people are suitable for each other: compatible, be well-matched, be made for each other, be a perfect match/pair/couple, be right for, be ideally suited;

the  same  in  number,  amount,  level  etc  as  something  else:  equal,  as  old  /

strong/long etc as, be the same, equivalent,  equal, match, keep pace with;

exactly like someone or something: the same, just like/exactly like, identical, can't tell the difference/can't tell them apart, indistinguishable, be no different from, match, word for word;

to look good with something else: go with, go together, match, matching, comple- ment, set off, blend in;

when facts, situations, or numbers are the same: correspond, be consistent with, agree, tally, coincide, match up;

to not look good with something else: not match, not go with/not go together, clash.

Dictionary phrases: betray a confidence betray his presence betray sb to sb

betray your beliefs/principles/ideals etc betrayed nothing

betrayed the fact that betrayed ... trust

deliberate/calculated/outright deceit deceive sb about sth

deceive sb into doing sth deceive yourself

deceive yourself that

obtaining money by deception appearances can be deceptive


Exercise 113.

Give the words or word combinations defined as the following:


1) someone who cannot be trusted because they are not loyal and secretly intend to harm you; 2) ground, roads, weather conditions etc that are particularly dangerous because you cannot see the dangers very easily; 3) behaviour in which someone is not loyal to a person who trusts them, especially when this behaviour helps that person's enemies; 4) a disloyal action against someone who trusts you; 5) to be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed or upset; 6) to be disloyal to your country, company etc, for example by giving secret information to its enemies; 7) to show feelings that you are trying to hide; 8) to show that something is true or exists, es- pecially when it is not easily noticed; 9) to stop supporting your old beliefs and princi- ples, especially in order to get power or avoid trouble; 10) someone who is not loyal to their country, friends, or beliefs; 11) to make someone believe something that is not true; 12) to refuse to believe that something is true because the truth is unpleasant;

13) to give someone a wrong belief or opinion about something; 14) the act of deliber- ately making someone believe something that is not true; 15) when you make yourself believe that something is true when it is not; 16) behaviour that is intended to make someone believe something that is not true; 17) someone who tells lies in order to get what they want; 18) something that seems to be one thing but is in fact very different;

19) intended to make someone believe something that is not true.


Exercise 114.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:


1) I have tried to explain that in Claudia's case memory is particularly treacherous, but Letterman likes the idea of ambiguity. 2) I was uncomfortable around boys, and un- dressing with them seemed not only bizarre but treacherous. 3) The land he rode was marshy, forcing him to weave an intricate course past the more treacherous patches. 4) The speed of light is a treacherous thing. 5) They are steep and treacherous with out-

cropping rock. 6) As nothing else, the child within her womb kept reminding her daily, hourly of the treachery she had perpetrated. 7) The existence of treachery finds confir- mation elsewhere. 8) The inadequacy and treachery of the old leaderships of the work- ing class have made the need all the more imperative. 9) The King went back to the palace planning treachery against the heroes and vowing they should never have the Golden Fleece. 10) There followed a swinging series of letters between Rodrigo and Berenguer, in which each accused the other of treachery and cowardice. 11) The crumpled sheets betrayed the fact that someone had been sleeping there. 12) Barker's comments on Germany betrayed a woeful ignorance of history and recent politics.

13) Conservatives felt betrayed when Bush raised taxes. 14) Greene was denounced for betraying his Catholic beliefs and siding with the Communists. 15) His words were calm, but his voice betrayed his very real concern and anxiety. 16) I still have bitter feel- ings for Robert. What can I say? He completely betrayed my trust. 17) If he feels any bitterness, his voice doesn't betray it. 18) My husband lied to me and betrayed me.

19) Olga's best friend betrayed her to the secret police. 20) The documents betray a deep anti-Semitism in the country. 21) The former federal agent betrayed his country and gave away vital military secrets. 22) There are people who are prepared to betray their country for money. 23) When I heard what she had said about me I felt angry and betrayed. 24) She felt a great sense of betrayal. 25) To escape this bitter betrayal, she decides to fake her own death and disappear. 26) Was it a disastrous marriage or the betrayal of a good girl? 27) A body could also be a traitor, indulging urges alien to intel- lect and emotion. 28) Frequently they were outspoken wives, who were considered monstrous shrews or unnatural traitors to their husbands. 29) Yet in the first autumn of the war he seemed neither a famous traitor nor an infamous war criminal. 30) Don't be deceived by the new cover - this is a rehash of old hits. 31) Kyl said voters had been deceived by supporters of the new bill. 32) This was a deliberate attempt to deceive the public. 33) Thousands of home buyers were deceived into buying homes at inflated prices. 34) She deceives herself more than she deceives anyone else. 35) She looks up and smiles at him with a sophisticated, coy, deceiving smile. 36) So mortals learned that it is not possible to get the better of Zeus or ever deceive him. 37) Those options are limited: shoot, kill, make love, deceive, ambush -- that sort of thing. 38) Ann quickly saw through his lies and deceptions. 39) She was stunned by the lies and deception her husband had used to hide his affairs. 40) The President has been accused of se- crecy and deception. 41) Fear, rage and awe contend in me - such talent for deception in one so young! 42) It is a birth swaddled in deception, whose secret will not be shared by those most affected until decades have passed. 43) Perhaps he was engaging in self-deception to block out the troubling facts. 44) But for every self-deception there is a moment when reality bites. 45) The government has a sad history of deceit in its deal- ings  with  Indians.  46) Any  other  parties  must  be  able  to  allege  fraud  or  deceit.

47) Murder, deceit, and malice await Sara when she comes to visit her great-aunt Con- tessa Belzoni in Venice of the 1880s. 48) Often, he'd involved others in the deceit.

49) A deceitful day that makes one think of lilacs and daffodils, before blasting you with another cannonade of winter. 50) Even in prayer, his heart was fickle and deceitful, turning this way and that. 51) The Center for the Study of Commercialism considers product placement a deceitful form of advertising. 52) The wilfulness of human nature can be deceitful, and we can hang on to old ways like cherished thoughts or posses- sions. 53) There was something deceitful and impatient about the smiling look in his eyes. 54) Federal organizations have been monitoring the Internet for deceptive adver- tisements, consumer fraud, and other unlawful activities. 55) I know appearances can be deceptive, but Jeffrey didn't seem like a wife-beater. 56) But the shimmering white

minaret, and the impressive dome, designed to shelter 3,500 worshippers, are decep- tive. 57) Housing estates lie below the canal on both sides although there is a deceptive amount of greenery about. 58) Such was their initiation to the deceptive intrigues of early twentieth-century geopolitics. 59) Why do self-oriented intents and deceptive be- haviors persist in organizations?


Exercise 115.

Paraphrase the following sentences using active vocabulary:


1) Strong winds and loose rocks made climbing hazardous. 2) There are danger- ous underwater currents along this stretch of coast. 3) I would never tell a secret he trusted me with. 4) His voice gave away his nervousness. 5) His face showed no emo- tion. 6) Many children's lies are unplanned and not actually designed to trick. 7) Some snakes move faster than you think or expect.


Exercise 116.

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary:


1) Он знал, что его предала вероломная, плетущая интриги женщина. 2) Ее мачеха была эгоистичной и вероломной женщиной. 3) Сильные ветра и обильные дожди делают вождение на дорогах опасным в некоторых районах. 4) Они путе- шествовали на лошадях по ненадежным тропам в Гималаях. 5) После яростного спора, во время которого он обвинил премьер-министра в измене, он объявил, что уходит в отставку со своего поста из кабинета министров. 6) Продажа воен- ных секретов – непростительный акт измены.  7) Когда король узнал о предатель- стве своего брата, он быстро приказал казнить его. 8) Он чувствовал, что она предала его. 9) Какой человек сможет выдать свою собственную сестру полиции?

10) Она обманула доверие своих родителей. 11) Малейший звук мог выдать его присутствие. 12) Он предал своих друзей, чтобы спасти свою жизнь. 13) Новое правительство предало идеалы революции. 14) Женщины не могут предать меня, так как я никогда не совершаю ошибку, доверяя им. 15) Ни единым словом или взглядом она не показала Мисс Миггз, что она знает, что она не может читать.

16) Они могли видеть, что ее тело уже подводило ее. 17) Некоторые политики на- зывают политику президента предательством американских принципов.18) Она ненавидела Нору за двойное предательство и поклялась, что никогда не простит ее. 19) В конце войны Мату Харри повесили как предательницу. 20) Когда он уе- хал из Никарагуа в США, его осудили, как изменника революции. 21) Его отец по- страдал еще больше, когда революционеры решили, что он изменник, и разгра- били его поместье стоимостью в 10 тысяч фунтов. 22) Была ли она жертвой или предательницей осталось неизвестным. 23) Его обманул молодой человек, зая- вивший, что он сын миллионера. 24) Он пытался ввести общество в заблуждение, заставляя его думать, что война все еще может быть выиграна. 25) Я бы не стал тебя обманывать по поводу чего-то настолько важного, как это. 26) Я думал, она любит меня, но я обманывал сам себя. 27) Он не обманывал себя по поводу того, что он и Рут могут остаться друзьями. 28) Если ты думаешь, что всем нравится этот план, ты обманываешь сам себя. 29) Меня обманули и ограбили. 30) Ей не хватило смелости признаться в обмане. 31) Его обвинили в том, что он получил деньги обманом. 32) Я уверена, что многие бизнесмены временами прибегают к некоторым формам обмана, чтобы достичь своих целей. 33) Ему было предъяв- лено 18 обвинений в краже, 3 обвинения в жульничестве на общую сумму в 4 560 фунтов. 34) Но Энн Эдвардс не была подвержена самообману, она знала, что она чувствует. 35) Сейчас он обнаружил себя в мире, в котором ложь принималась, ее

даже ожидали. 36) Его политические оппоненты обвинили его в коррупции и об- мане. 37) Именно по этой причине, ты закончишь тем, что не будешь доверять ни- кому и будешь каждого подозревать в возможном обмане. 38) У него были хитрые и обманчивые манеры. 39) Его адвокат доказывал, что его клиент не вводил нико- го в заблуждение своим поведением. 40) Он получил контракт, но только благо- даря хитрости. 41) Я ей не доверяю. Я думаю, что у нее лживая улыбка. 42) Эта компания замешана в махинациях уже несколько лет. 43) Студенты Гвен могут выглядеть ангелами, но внешность обманчива. 44) Море здесь очень обманчиво, оно кажется очень спокойным, но на самом деле оно очень опасное.  45) В песнях Ирвинга Берлина есть обманчивая простота.


Exercise 117.

Using Longman Activator Dictionary or any other English Dictionary find out the differ- ences in the meaning and usage of the following synonyms:


to betray a friend or someone who trusts you: betray, stab somebody in the back, sell somebody down the river, treachery;

to trick someone and make them believe something that is not true: trick, con, de- ceive, fool, mislead, set somebody up, put one over on, pull the wool over somebody's eyes, lead somebody on, take somebody for a ride, double-cross, dupe;

intended to deceive: deceitful, misleading, under false pretences;

when something or someone is different from the way they seem: there's more to somebody/something than meets the eye, deceptive, deceptively, not be what you seem.

Dictionary phrases:

a dying breed

a new breed of breed of

rare breed breeding season breeding stock good breeding born and bred breeding ground

familiarity breeds contempt good breeding


Exercise 118.

Give the words or word combinations defined as the following:


1) if animals mate in order to have babies; 2) to keep animals or plants in order to produce babies or new plants, especially ones with particular qualities; 3) to cause a particular feeling or condition; 4)  if a place, situation, or thing breeds a particular type of person, it produces that type; 5) when animals produce babies; 6) the activity of keep- ing animals or plants in order to produce animals or plants that have particular qualities;

7) the fact of coming from a family of high rank and having polite social behaviour;

8) animals you keep to breed from; 9) the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are growing up; 10) someone who is polite, and behaves as if they come from a family of high social class; 11) rude or behaving badly, especially be- cause your parents did not teach you to behave well.


Exercise 119.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:

1) Decomposing waste and disease-carrying bacteria compete with the fish for oxy- gen, limiting the number of fish that can be bred. 2) The planned deregulation has bred concern that Petron will face stiffer competition and an erosion of its 42 percent market share. 3) There are lots of them out there and, apparently, they breed like Kennedys.

4) Benson took great care in selecting breeding stock. 5) A plastic dustbin with breeding colony on to which organic waste is showered. 6) If breeding is part of the experimental protocol then the premises must be designated for both breeding and scientific proce- dures. 7) It is not only the breeding pair that occupies the territory around a nest. 8) She expresses particular concern about the breeding of animals solely for experimental use, including animals with genetic alterations. 9) The reason became apparent when she saw a young female come into breeding condition. 10) This selection of foods will soon bring your fish into breeding condition. 11) When winter snow and ice cover the breeding grounds the birds head south to Britain. 12) Bearded, he dresses with a casual elegance that reflects a privileged upbringing. 13) See how ashamed he is of his own father, how he rejects his own background and upbringing? 14) She didn't like being reminded of her nice, safe, middle-class upbringing. 15) Slamming a door in some one's face has nothing to do with breeding or upbringing. 16) Their upbringing was pretty straight and traditional, conservative, politically. 17) And how could he disguise his well-bred manners and speech? 18) His attitude was that of a well-bred man reluctant to discuss some family dif- ference with a prying outsider. 19) However, the reckless, well-bred show of bravado did not exactly endear the utterer to two other boys of like age. 20) She is such a nice, polite, well-bred young woman. 21) All she will have brought you is her own ill-bred person.

22) The chinless type who made her feel ill-bred.


Exercise 120.

Paraphrase the following sentences using active vocabulary:


1) Eagles propagate themselves during the cooler months of the year. 2) Society's obsession with sex has given birth to a generation of unhappy children. 3) But success in this world seems to cause envy which, in its turn, can cause hostility.


Exercise 121.

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary:


1) Первоначально этих собак вывели в Шотландии, чтобы загонять овец в за- гон. 2) Плохие условия жизни порождают насилие и отчаяние. 3) Лишь некоторые виды животных, находящихся под угрозой исчезновения, могут разводиться в зоопарках. 4) Кролики размножаются очень быстро. 5) Эта музыка стала постоян- ной на городском радио в 80-х годах и породила поколение фанатов. 6) Эти дере- вья были выведены, чтобы они могли противостоять загрязнению. 7) В этом пруду утки выводят птенцов. 8) Рыба, живущая в открытом море, откладывает несколь- ко миллионов икринок в период нереста. 9) У молодого лейтенанта был вид бога- того человека с хорошими манерами. 10) Таким образом, можно понять, что за- планированное размножение – это не новая идея. 11) Майк получил строгое вос- питание. 12) Наша бабушка взяла на себя ответственность за наше религиозное воспитание. 13) Евангелисты в середине девятнадцатого века все еще возлагали основную ответственность за воспитание детей на семью. 14) Я имею в виду, что я благовоспитанная женщина. 15) Винсам была породистой кобылой.


Exercise 122.

Using Longman Activator Dictionary or any other English Dictionary find out the differ- ences in the meaning and usage of the following synonyms:

the  process  of  people  or  animals  producing  babies:  reproduction,  reproduce, breed;

a type of plant or animal: species, breed, variety, strain.

Dictionary phrases:

acted in good faith an act of faith

bad faith

break faith with sb/sth destroy/restore sb's faith (in sb/sth) faith in

good faith

have faith (in sb/sth) keep faith with sb/sth lose faith (in sb/sth)

the Jewish/Muslim/Hindu etc faith faithful friend

faithful reproduction faithful service faithful to

remained faithful unfaithful to


Exercise 123.

Give the words or word combinations defined as the following:

1) trust/confidence in somebody/something [uncountable]; a strong feeling of trust or confidence in someone or something; 2) one of the main religions in the world; 3) to stop supporting or believing in a person, organization, or idea; 4) to continue to support or believe in a person, organization, or idea; 5) something you do that shows you trust someone completely; 6) remaining loyal to a particular person, belief, political party etc and continuing to support them; 7) representing an event or an image in a way that is exactly true or that looks exactly the same; 8) able to be trusted or depended on;

9) someone who has sex with someone who is not their wife, husband, or usual part- ner.


Exercise 124.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:


1) Godparents agree to educate their godchild in the practice of the Christian faith.

2) In spite of all that has happened, somehow she has held onto her faith. 3) Instead of celebrating their religious faith, they are forced to conceal it for fear of reprisals. 4) My mother's total faith in God always amazed me. 5) People of all faiths are welcome in this building. 6) By faith they grow in understanding and insight. 7) First, it will act as a safeguard against today's widespread and unnecessary breakdown of faith. 8) Given their generally bad state of health and care, slaves turned both to faith and to magic for healing. 9) He mistrusted the rich, and frequently proclaimed his faith in the people.

10) I have not much faith in the League, nor in democracy as an up-to-date technique of government. 11) Instead of being human and down-to-earth, faith becomes a fra- grant, concentrated essence. 12) This shows the important difference between subjec- tivism in faith and in doubt. 13) I've always been faithful, I've never cheated on you, not once! 14) It's a faithful reproduction of the original picture. 15) The majority of Mark's supporters remained faithful throughout the crisis. 16) The survey found that 39\% of

British women are faithful to one partner over a lifetime. 17) Furthermore, most of these people are among the most faithful newspaper and magazine readers. 18) If most women had their way, men would be as faithful as albatrosses. 19) The characters are one-dimensional, and none of the action is faithful to any psychological motivation.

20) The one companion to whom he was unswervingly faithful and attentive was his typewriter. 21) He accused me of being unfaithful to him. 22) All the time she wildly imagines him being unfaithful to her in a thousand trivial ways. 23) They are building up alternative relationships and are more likely to be unfaithful if the marriage is going badly.


Exercise 125.

Paraphrase the following sentences using active vocabulary:


1) 'Have trust, Alexandra,' he said. 2) How could he tell them the truth without breaking belief in the Party? 3) Allowing Ken to be in charge of the project was a total act of trust. 4) The woman who sold me the car claimed she had not meant to deceive me. 5) The center welcomes people of all religions. 6) I did my best to give an exactl account of what happened. 7) Mary's always been a trustworthy and loyal friend.

8) Many older people still remain loyal to the party.


Exercise 126.

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary:


1) У меня все еще есть вера в него. 2) Народ потерял веру в правительство.

3) Это действительно помогло восстановить мою веру в человеческую природу.

4) Приглашаются люди всех вероисповеданий. 5) Он предложил встретиться во второй раз в знак своего доверия. 6) После того, через что ей пришлось пройти, я мог понять, почему она потеряла веру в юридическую систему. 7) Он очень рели- гиозный человек. 8) Он очень доверял ее рассудительности и всегда советовался с ней по каждому поводу. 9) Он слепо верит в людскую честность. 10) Именно ее вера в бога помогла ей выдержать долгие годы в тюрьме.  11) Большая часть на- селения острова исповедует ислам. 12) Ничто не могло поколебать ее веру в Бо- га. 13) Единственная причина, почему я сохранила свой брак, это потому, что моя вера в религию поддерживала меня. 14) Напряжение между приверженцами раз- личных религий растет. 15) Он оставался верным своим принципам до конца.

16) Ты думаешь, Боб всегда сохранял тебе верность? 17) Его верная собака жда- ла его. 18) Его модельные машины – это точные копии оригиналов. 19) У группы все еще есть большое количество верных последователей. 20) Это точная интер- претация оригинального текста Шекспира. 21) Он чувствует, что его верная служ- ба не ценится и желает смерти. 22) Джеф изменял ей много раз. 23) Почему жен- щины остаются с партнерами, которые изменяют им? 24) Возможно ли, изменять своей жене и все еще любить ее?


Exercise 127.

Using Longman Activator Dictionary or any other English Dictionary find out the differ- ences in the meaning and usage of the following synonyms:


something that someone believes: belief, faith, superstition;

a religion: religion, faith, creed;

relating to religion: religious, holy, spiritual, sacred, divine, faith-based/faith; the feeling that you can trust someone: trust, confidence, faith, blind faith. Dictionary phrases:

check (sth) for sth check (that)

check in check in at check on sb/sth check out

check sb in check sb out check sb/sth out

check sth against/with sth check sth in

check sth off check sth out check sth out with check sth/sb over check up on sb/sth

check whether/how/who etc check with

check yourself double checked


Exercise 128.

Give the words or word combinations defined as the following:


1) to do something in order to find out whether something really is correct, true, or in good condition; 2) to ask someone whether something is correct, true, or allowed;

3) to suddenly stop yourself from saying or doing something because you realize it would be better not to; 4) to stop something bad from getting worse or continuing to happen; 5) compare something with something else to see whether they are the same;

6) to leave your bags at an official place so they can be put on a plane or a train, or to take someone's bags in order to do this; 7) AE to make a mark next to an answer, something on a list etc to show you have chosen it, that it is correct, or that you have dealt with it; 8) sp AE say this when someone mentions each thing on a list, to tell them that you have it or have done it; 9) AE to leave your bags at an official place so they

can be put on a plane or a train, or to take someone's bags in order to do this; 10) to call someone to tell them that you are safe or where you are; 11) to make sure that someone or something is safe, is in a satisfactory state, or is doing what they should be doing; 12) to try to find out if something is true or correct; 13) to make sure that some- thing is actually true, correct, or acceptable; 14) to look at someone or something be- cause they are interesting or attractive; 15) inf to get information about someone, espe- cially to find out if they are suitable for something; 16) to leave a hotel after paying the

bill; 17) AE to borrow a book from a library; 18) to look closely at something to make sure it is correct or acceptable; 19) to examine someone to make sure they are healthy;

20) to try to find out if someone is doing what they said they would do or what you want them to do; 21) the process of finding out if something is safe, correct, true, or in the condition it should be; 22) a test done to make sure you are healthy; 23) a quick check of one thing among a group of things, that you do without warning; 24) keep someone or something under control; 25) something that controls something else and stops it

from getting worse, continuing to happen etc; 26) a system that makes it possible for some people or parts of an organization to control the others, so that no particular per- son or part has too much power or influence; 27) a pattern of squares, especially on cloth; 28) AE a list that you are given in a restaurant showing what you have eaten and how much you must pay.

Exercise 129.

Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words and word combinations in italics:


1) Fill in the cash book carefully and always check your calculations. 2) 'Passport?'

'Check.' 'Ticket?' ' Check'. 3) Airline employees were checking in passengers. 4) One by one he checked them off on his register. 5) "Are you sure this is the right phone number?" "Yes, I've just checked." 6) "Can I exchange this for a smaller size?" "You should be able to. Let me check." 7) "We have milk, don't we?" "Uh, I'll check." 8) Check that the meat is cooked thoroughly before serving it. 9) Before your trip, check if your insurance covers you abroad. 10) Doctors are trying to check the spread of the disease with drugs. 11) I'll just check that I locked the door. 12) I want to check my voice mail. 13) Let's check to see if she's OK. 14) That bag's too large to take on the plane - I can check it for you. 15) Their passports were checked by immigration officers at the airport. 16) You'd better check the figures one more time - we don't want any mistakes. 17) It is not possible to check the ac- curacy of the figures. 18) She frowned, and checked again, her eyes widening in amaze- ment. 19) The mobile phone is constantly in use as he checks, queries and informs staff.

20) You must evaluate your evidence, check it against other sources and decide if it is reli- able. 21) Have a check in your bag first and see if it's there. 22) He made an effort to hold himself in check. 23) Higher interest rates will act as a check on public spending. 24) All routine safety checks were carried out before the flight. 25) Let me pay the check. 26) May I have the check, please? 27) Spot checks by customs officers led to the arrest of several drug smugglers. 28) The agency does background checks on all the nannies it hires.

29) There are regular checks on the quality of goods leaving our factory. 30) Each time you come across a skill you used in the story place a check next to it in the appropriate column. 31) Then he wrote out a sizable check of his own and handed it to another Repub- lic sportswriter.


Exercise 130.

Paraphrase the following sentences using active vocabulary:


1) Examine the tiles carefully before you buy them. 2) They paused to see how the other climbers were getting on. 3) I looked through the typing for errors. 4) Positive test results are looked at twice. 5) Make a phone call to make sure that you're writing to the right person. 6) The police are failing to take adequate measures to stop the growth in crime. 7) We need to test the building for structural damage. 8) I don't think Jo's back yet, but you can knock on her door just to make sure. 9) Make certain the car is in good condition before you sign the rental agreement. 10) I phoned the hotel to make sure that they had reserved a room for us.


Exercise 131.

Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary:


1) Первое правило, чтобы разгадать тайну, нужно проверить факты. 2) Про- верь, все ли двери надежно закрыты. 3) Позволь мне просто проверить, готов ли картофель. 4) Включи кран и посмотри не протекает ли что-нибудь. 5) Ты должен соотнести улики с другими источниками и решить, надежны ли они. 6) Я не имею права выдать Вам компенсацию. Я обязана сначала все проверить. 7) Позвони на фабрику, чтобы выяснить, смогут ли они доставить кровати сегодня. 8) Проверься у своего врача перед тем, как сесть на диету. 9) Мне пришлось сдержать сильное желание громко рассмеяться. 10) Он ухмыльнулся, но затем сдержался, так как не хотел расстраивать Джека. 11) Любой багаж свыше 5 килограммов должен быть сдан. 12) Зарегистрируйтесь за 2 часа до полета. 13) Я попрощалась и по-

шла сдавать чемоданы в багаж. 14) Он позвонил просто, чтобы сказать им, как у него дела. 15) Дорогой, ты не мог бы подняться наверх и проверить детей? 16) Мой сосед заходит раз в неделю, чтобы проверить, все ли в порядке, и покормить рыбок. 17) Он хотел проверить историю этой девочки. 18) Я позвонил, чтобы про- верить его адрес. 19) Выясни это все со своим боссом, перед тем, как предпри- нимать что-либо. 20) Если бы я услышал об интересном вебсайте, я бы на него заглянул. 21) Я проверю их как потенциальных работников. 22) Мы выехали из отеля в полдень. 23) В библиотеке разрешается брать шесть книг за один раз. 24) Они провели остаток утра, проверяя свое оборудование. 25) Я бы хотел, чтобы доктор проверил тебя и сделал несколько анализов. 26) Не беспокойся, никто не собирается тебя проверять. 27) Дастин позвонил мне, чтобы проверить некото- рые факты. 28) Постоянно проводи регулярные тесты качества воды. 29) Я реши- ла проверить весь персонал. 30) Я внимательно слежу за своим давлением. 31) Ты должен учиться держать свои эмоции под контролем. 32) Можно я оплачу че- ком? 33) Он подарил ее матери скатерть в красно-белую клеточку. 34) Официант подошел и отдал мне чек.


Exercise 132.

Using Longman Activator Dictionary or any other English Dictionary find out the differ- ences in the meaning and usage of the following synonyms:


to make sure that something is true or correct: check, check out, make sure/make certain, double-check, verify, confirm, ascertain;

to examine something: examine, look carefully/closely, take/have a look at, ana- lyze, study, check, check over, inspect, go through/go over, look over, scrutinize;

to examine someone: examine, inspect, check up on;

when something is examined: examination, analysis, check, inspection, study, scrutiny;

a piece of paper that shows how much you must pay: bill, check, tab, invoice;

to control people or to control what happens: control, control, be in control, what somebody says, goes, call the tune/shots, be in the driving seat, be the boss, wear the trousers, keep/hold somebody/something in check.


Exercise 133.

Make up your own sentences using words and word combinations of the active vocabulary.


Exercise 134.

Comment on the following proverbs using words and word combinations of the active vo- cabulary.


1) A good face is a letter of recommendation. 2) Appearances are deceptive.

3) Better an open enemy than a false friend. 4) He that once deceives is ever sus- pected. 5) If a man deceives me once, shame on him; if he deceives me twice, shame on me. 6) Know the breed, know the dog. 7) What is bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. 8) Faith will move mountains. 9) Familiarity breeds contempt. 10) Truth is stranger then fiction.



Exercise 3.


1) Richard seems very subdued tonight. 2) 'Oh,' she said in a subdued voice.

3) Inflation remained subdued in September. 4) The subdued light made Mary appear pale. 5) The army has been used to subdue unrest in the country's capital. 6) Napoleon subdued much of Europe. 7) The fields and woods were emptied and subdued. 8) He felt the urge to apologize, but then subdued it.


Exercise 7.

1) The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. 2) Vivien had made a conscious effort to be friendly. 3) Many employers are becoming more safety- conscious. 4) She was probably not consciously aware of her true feelings. 5) Dylan's latest record is a conscious attempt to break away from his old image and try out a new style. 6) I began to be conscious even of the kidney shape. 7) She was conscious, but could not speak because of the gash at her throat. 8) Perhaps West who had been very conscious of social needs, had had an influence on his thoughts on such matters.

9) She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness. 10) Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. 11) This will increase public consciousness of the pollution issue. 12) Compared to the rest of the universe, intelligence and conscious- ness and life are stable instabilities. 13) I slice a piece out of my finger, see the blood pour out, and lose consciousness. 14) His previous employer describes him as honest, hard-working and conscientious. 15) She was a very conscientious student and at- tended all her lectures.


Exercise 11.

1) She grinned at me, her eyes sparkling. 2) He was grinning like an idiot. 3) Grin- ning shyly, he offered her a drink. 4) "I guess we'll soon find out who's better," she said with a grin. 5) She kept grinning at me as if we were old friends. 6) Then they both be- gan to grin, and finally laughed out loud. 7) John gave her a wicked grin.


Exercise 15.

1) Police said it was an orderly demonstration and there were no arrests. 2) The crowd were orderly and in good spirits. 3) The improvements were put into effect in an orderly manner. 4) A trolley was wheeled past by two brutish-looking orderlies chewing gum.


Exercise 19.

1) She accused him of telling outrageous lies. 2) I don't think Kenneth was trying to be outrageous at all. 3) The Coen brothers make two kinds of films: big and outrageous or small and outrageous. 4) The response to the jury's verdict was one of outrage.

5) The case generated public outrage. 6) This is an outrage! 7)  It's an outrage that men who didn't finish high school sometimes earn more than women with college educa- tions. 8) The plans brought cries of outrage from residents. 9) The terrorist attack, in which two innocent tourists were murdered, is the third outrage of its kind this year.

10) The images of these hopeless, hungry people haunted her, filling her with outrage.

11) You really must bring this outrage to an end. 12) Customers were outraged by the price increases.


Exercise 24.

1) His clothes were always neat and clean. 2) She arranged the books in a nice neat pile. 3) That's a really neat idea. 4) I liked working for him - he was a neat guy.

5) In the end we found a very neat solution to the problem. 6) I can't drink brandy neat.

7) He wrote his name neatly at the bottom of the page. 8) The problem was neatly

summed up by one of the teachers. 9) Chris looked neat and well shaven. 10) Gina has very small neat handwriting. 11) I try to keep the garden tidy. 12) We sold the house for a tidy sum and moved south. 13) I think the least you could do is keep your own bed- room tidy. 14) Walking to work helps her keep trim. 15) He only cleans up his room when it gets really messy. 16) She felt uncomfortable in such a messy house. 17) She was fat, slovenly, and out of shape.18) Their table manners perfectly reflect the slov- enly appearance.


Exercise 28.

1) He thought his witticisms were amusing but found her response too extravagant.

2) His literary style was plain and factual, without witticisms or flourishes, and his character seems similar. 3) Jokes and witticisms about the Führer proliferated. 4) His sharp wit had them all smiling. 5) Alone and penniless, I was forced to live on my wits. 6) I was terrified out of my wits at the very idea. 7) I felt helpless, but tried to gather my wits. 8) Thankfully, Reid had the wit to see what was wrong with the plan. 9) A dozen writers and wits used to gather at the Algonquin Hotel for lunch. 10) People love him for his wit and charm.

11) Rochester was well known as a wit in society circles. 12) The wit and irony of the origi- nal novel has been lost in the film version. 13) He remained still and tried to gather his wits.

14) I enjoyed the play - it had a clever plot and a very witty script.


Exercise 32.

1) He stared at me with a mixture of impudence and hostility. 2) He was curious to remember where he'd seen that impudent young face before. 3) The new credit cards will be of great benefit to our customers. 4) We want him to get maximum benefit from the course. 5) We're just beginning to reap the benefits of all our hard work. 6) You need to spend at least a week there to get the full benefit. 7) Could you just explain again for Mark's benefit? 8) I hope that the decision taken today will be to the benefit of the whole nation. 9) My proposition, I assure you, would be to our mutual benefit.

10) The referee gave him the benefit of the doubt. 11) If you were fired from your previ- ous job, you may not be able to claim unemployment benefit. 12) The benefits include full medical cover when traveling abroad. 13) Tourism has brought many benefits to the area. 14) You should find out about any benefits you're entitled to. 15) They are work- ing together to benefit the whole community. 16) Many thousands have benefited from the new treatment. 17) They would benefit by reducing their labour costs. 18) Admis- sion is $5, with proceeds benefiting a local children's charity. 19) Critics argue that the tax cuts will only benefit large companies. 20) New regulations will greatly benefit the region's poorest residents. 21) However, such historical studies as do address this question indicate that all members do not benefit equally.


Exercise 39.

1) Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife. 2) That pile of rubbish is a fire haz- ard. 3) Flashing signs on the motorway warn drivers of hazards ahead. 4) Serious lung disease seems to be an occupational hazard of working in mines. 5) $50,000? I don't know. I'm only hazarding a guess. 6) No wonder no-one at Siemens Nixdorf wants to haz- ard when the company might return to profit. 7) The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health. 8) Being the President's bodyguard is obviously a hazardous occupation.


Exercise 43.

1) Don't let yourself be persuaded into buying things you don't want. 2) Leo would- n't agree, despite our efforts to persuade him. 3) He was fairly easily persuaded.

4) McFadden must persuade the jury of her innocence. 5) After this accident, it will be difficult for the government to persuade people that nuclear power stations are safe.

6) He eventually managed to persuade me that the documents were genuine. 7) I tried to persuade his ex-girlfriend to talk to him, but she said no. 8) Maguire said he was not persuaded by criticisms in the media. 9) She used all her powers of persuasion to con- vince Tilly that it was the right thing to do. 10) Her arguments didn't convince everyone, but changes were made. 11) Baker had to convince jurors that his client had been no- where near the scene of the murder. 12) The government is trying to convince the pub- lic that it's getting tough on corruption. 13) I can't remember what he said to convince me, but I obeyed his request. 14) In the end she convinced the jury of her innocence.

15) It took her so much effort to speak that what she said carried great conviction.

16) He was able to say with conviction that he had changed. 17) This was her third conviction for theft. 18) Americans held the conviction that anyone could become rich if they  worked  hard.  19)  The  trial  and  conviction  of  Jimmy  Malone  took  over  three months. 20) He only had one tiny conviction for shoplifting so far, and felt sure that wouldn't be held against him.


Exercise 48.

1) The pilot scheme proved to be a great success. 2) Several organizations run schemes to help women find work after their children have started school. 3) The gov- ernment's Youth Training Scheme soon ran into difficulties. 4) Young came up with the scheme to pass phony checks. 5) In the coming year, changes are being made which will increase the range of the scheme. 6) She schemed to kill him with poison. 7) He became aware that people were scheming against him and called an emergency meet- ing. 8) She's nothing but a lying, scheming little monster! 9) Against all the rules of the competition, Nick was scheming to win.


Exercise 52.

1) Women commit fewer crimes than men. 2) Brady committed a series of brutal murders. 3) Meeting them doesn't commit us to anything. 4) I'd committed myself and there was no turning back. 5) Anna wants to get married, but Bob's not sure he wants to commit. 6) He has not yet committed to any of the candidates. 7) The judge commit- ted him to prison for six months. 8) Detectives believe that the crime was committed at around 7.30 pm. 9) It now seems likely that Mason was sent to prison for an offence he never committed. 10) And when the priest came to commit poor old Eddy's body to the flames, Dyson felt something else. 11) But she is not committed to this place anymore.

12) Are you ready to make a long-term commitment? 13) I was impressed by the en- ergy and commitment shown by the players. 14) It's a part-time program, but it's still a big time commitment. 15) The country is hoping for a commitment of $25 million in aid.

16) The governor has a strong commitment to creating jobs in the state. 17) The or- ganization has made a commitment to plant 5,000 trees in San Francisco. 18) You commitment to the project is very much appreciated by management. 19) Young chil- dren have a particularly acute sense of smell. 20) In San Diego, the shortage of skilled workers is acute. 21) Patients with acute lower back pain often do well with bed rest and painkillers. 22) She was taken to the hospital suffering from acute appendicitis.

23) The impact of the problem has been especially acute in New England. 24) There are acute shortages of food and medical equipment. 25) Simmons' book is an acute analysis of American history.


Exercise 57.

1) All the organizations involved have sent urgent appeals to the government, ask- ing for extra funding. 2) The girl's family have made a public appeal for help to try and catch her killer. 3) The appeal has nearly reached its target of £100,000. 4) The hospital has launched an appeal to raise money for new equipment. 5) They decided that only

an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights could save him. 6) The sentence was reduced to three years on appeal. 7) All prisoners have a right of appeal. 8) He has lodged an appeal against the size of the fine. 9) The programme has a very wide ap- peal.10)  Fink  writes  with  eloquence  about  the  appeal  of  the  Jewish  faith  for her.11) Farmers have appealed to the government for help. 12) She is not happy with the decision and plans to appeal. 13) The idea of working abroad really appeals to me.

14) These pictures do not appeal to me. 15) The speaker had appealed to the miners to vote for their union. 16) She looked appealingly at Ben. 17) According to Life magazine, cars with soft smooth shapes are supposed to be appealing to females. 18) Davies' books are an appealing blend of wit and wisdom. 19) It's extremely difficult to create a really appealing advertisement. 20) She turned to address the man on her left. 21) Mar- lowe now addressed himself to the task of searching the room. 22) You will have to ad- dress your comments to our Head Office. 23) He addressed an audience of 10,000 supporters. 24) The president should be addressed as 'Mr. President'. 25) I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them. 26) I don't know who to turn to.

27) The Namibian government turned to South Africa for help. 28) If symptoms persist, consult a doctor without delay. 29) An increasing number of people are consulting their accountants about the tax laws. 30) I need to consult with my lawyer. 31) I can't believe you sold the car without consulting me! 32) The President consulted with European leaders before taking action.


Exercise 62.

1) It seemed impossible that anyone could endure such pain. 2) Many cancer pa- tients have to endure a great deal of pain. 3) Scott's popularity endured well beyond his death in 1832. 4) She has endured ten years of painful back operations. 5) They were lost in the mountains for ten days, enduring hunger, thirst, and intense cold. 6) Finally a day came when they could endure no longer. 7) She was pushed beyond her powers of endurance. 8) The marathon is a test of endurance. 9) Swimming helps to increase your strength and endurance. 10) The people showed great courage, patience, and en- durance during the long years of the war. 11) The friendships formed in her schooldays proved to be the most enduring. 12) The customs official rummaged through the con- tents of his briefcase. 13) Most of the gallery's contents were damaged in the fire.

14) She kept the contents of the letter a secret. 15) He cast his eye down the contents page. 16) Chestnuts have a high water content. 17) He could not provide a copy of the report but outlined its contents. 18) People pay as much attention to your voice as to the content of your speech. 19) She sat quietly, content to watch him working. 20) He seemed quite content to let Steve do the talking. 21) Dr Belson had been more than content for them to deal with any difficulties. 22) Not content with her new car, Selina now wants a bike. 23) Carla seems pretty much content with her life. 24) She took ref- uge in the library, where she could read to her heart's content. 25) I was no longer sat- isfied with the life that had hitherto contented me. 26) He smiled contentedly. 27) From a starving stray it was transformed into a contented house cat. 28) He seems to be get- ting more contented as he gets older.


Exercise 69.

1) The dim outline of a building loomed up out of the mist. 2) Miss Watson took a dim view of Paul's behaviour. 3) Isaac was old and his eyes were dim. 4) You can be really dim sometimes! 5) He saw the dim outline of the taxi-driver's head inside the cab.

6) I was led through a dim hallway to his office. 7) It was impossible to read by the dim light of the fire. 8) She's not the brightest kid in the class -- in fact, she's quite dim.

9) There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp. 10) That first visit

when I stayed at the Al Ain Hilton seemed in the dim past. 11) The lights in the theatre began to dim. 12) Hopes of a peaceful settlement have dimmed. 13) Can you dim the lights? I have a headache. 14) The painful memory began to dim. 15) It'll fit in if you fold it in half. 16) Spoon the filling onto the dough, fold it over, and press down the edges.

17) I wish you kids would fold up your clothes! 18) He folded the map neatly. 19) Can you fold the shutters back? 20) George stood silently with his arms folded. 21) Fold up your clothes, don't just throw them on the floor! 22) Most of the companies dependent on the steel works folded within weeks. 23) The chairs fold flat for easy storage.

24) The napkins were folded into neat triangles. 25) Bend back the card and cut along the fold. 26) Her dress hung in soft folds. 27) The Church will welcome him back into the fold. 28) She called him a former advocate of free market economics who had strayed from the fold. 29) Camels have an extra fold of skin on their eyelids to keep out the sand. 30) A small example of a folding knife is shown in Pic 14. 31) Bingham reap- pears with a metal folding chair. 32) The program allows you to group related docu-

ments in folders. 33) He took out a folder and wrote in it for a few minutes. 34) Keep your orders together in a separate folder so you can refer to them later something goes amiss. 35) Piles of paper folders are everywhere. 36) The benefits of the scheme are twofold. 37) This new legislation will have a twofold effect on businesses.


Exercise 74.

1) Lightning flashed overhead. 2) Why is that guy flashing his headlights at me?

3) Images of the war flashed across the screen. 4) The possibility that Frank was lying flashed through my mind. 5) 'I love this city,' he said, flashing a big smile. 6) Her blue eyes flashed with anger. 7) He's always flashing his money around. 8) From here the movie flashes back to Billy's first meeting with Schultz. 9) A police car sped through the intersection, lights flashing. 10) Detective Mallory flashed his badge as he walked through the door. 11) Two flashes mean danger. 12) A flash of lightning lit up the night sky. 13) Did the flash go off? 14) The bird vanished in a flash of blue. 15) There was a bright flash of light as the bomb exploded. 16) At her lack of response, he turned the yellowing beam of the flashlight on her white face. 17) They will need the flashlights again to find their way to Evansville. 18) The events of the hero's childhood are shown as a series of flashbacks. 19) Eaton still has flashbacks of the crash. 20) He is emo- tional, outspoken and flashy. 21) The river glittered in the sunlight. 22) Jewels glittered in the dim light of the cave. 23) The frost glittered on the ground. 24) The tiara had not glittered in Nicandra's wedding veil. 25) I saw lights twinkling in the little town below us.

26) Her eyes twinkled with amusement. 27) Over her shoulder, the stars twinkled in the black sky. 28) He grinned, his eyes twinkling wetly. 29) The overhead lights flickered momentarily. 30) A puzzled smile flickered across the woman's face. 31) Polly's eyelids flickered, then she slept. 32) A welcoming fire flickered in the grate. 33) The candle flickered a few times and then went out. 34) Suddenly, an hour after the opening bell, the computers at the New York Stock Exchange flicker off.


Exercise 79.

1) She smiled as he squeezed her hand. 2) He squeezed the trigger, but nothing happened. 3) Squeeze the oranges. 4) Squeeze a bit of lemon juice onto the fish. 5) He had squeezed through a gap in the fence. 6) We could probably squeeze in a few more people. 7) Greece just squeezed through into the next round. 8) How do you manage to squeeze so much into one day? 9) I can squeeze you in at four o'clock. 10) If budgets are cut, vital research may be squeezed out. 11) Squeeze the cloth out first. 12) I can't squeeze any more tomato paste out of this tube. 13) I don't think I can squeeze any more files into this drawer. 14) It's no use trying to squeeze yourself into clothes that

are too small for you. 15) The bus was already full but someone opened the doors and another passenger squeezed in. 16) It'll be a squeeze with six people in the car. 17) The details of his life remain obscure. 18) Best's art is eccentric and obscure. 19) He's using an obscure old law to try to stop the new road being built. 20) Picasso's first exhi- bition received only a short mention in an obscure Parisian newspaper. 21) Publishers would not print his earlier poetry because they felt it was too obscure. 22) The connec- tion between the studies is somewhat obscure. 23) The lines were written by an ob- scure English poet named Mordaunt. 24) Recent successes have obscured the fact that the company is still in trouble. 25) The view was obscured by mist. 26) If the finger is used, the image is partly obscured by the hand. 27) The group produced two albums before disappearing into obscurity. 28) O'Brien died in obscurity. 29) She chose silence, obscurity, poverty. 30) The governor gave only a vague outline of his tax plan. 31) Julia was vague about where she had been and what she had been doing. 32) Dave's in- structions were rather vague. 33) I've only got a vague idea of what he wants for this project. 34) I had heard vague rumours that they were getting married. 35) I only had a vague idea of where the place was. 36) The doctor's vague explanations only increased Clara's fears. 37) There were vague shapes of hills in the distance.


Exercise 85.

1) There is a risk that the crisis may spread further. 2) There is no risk to public health. 3) Healthy eating can help reduce the risk of heart disease. 4) The birds could pose a serious health risk for people who eat them. 5) I never walk home alone at night

- it's not worth the risk. 6) Building work has a high risk of accident. 7) It was a calcu- lated risk to appoint a man without management experience to such a senior post.

8) The benefits to patients who are taking the drug far outweigh the risks. 9) Isn't he taking a bit of a risk in coming here? 10) I couldn't take the risk of leaving him alone even for a short time. 11) Many people are willing to take that risk in order to protect their families. 12) They didn't pose a significant risk to safety. 13) The tyre dump is a major fire risk. 14) She's becoming a security risk. 15) Women are more at risk from the harmful effects of alcohol than men. 16) Their children are also at high risk of develop-

ing the disease. 17) That would mean putting other children at risk. 18) Anyone travel- ling without a passport runs the risk of being arrested. 19) At the risk of sounding stu- pid, can I ask a question? 20) Will they go ahead with their plans, even at the risk of of- fending the Americans? 21) You can use it, but it's at your own risk. 22) All personal be- longings are left at the owner's risk. 23) Drivers under 21 are regarded as poor risks by insurance companies. 24) When children start smoking, they don't realize that they're risking their health. 25) He's prepared to risk everything to avoid this war. 26) He risked

his life helping others to escape. 27) I'm not going to risk my neck just to save a com- mon criminal. 28) Why risk life and limb jumping out of a plane just to raise money for charity? 29) Some people are prepared to risk imprisonment for what they believe. 30) Workers who broke the strike risked being attacked when they left the factory. 31) Are you prepared to risk traveling without an armed guard? 32) She risked a glance back over her shoulder. 33) You could slip out of school between classes, but I wouldn't risk it. 34) Buying a secondhand car is a risky business. 35) Risky investments can offer

high yields, but also the possibility of greater losses. 36) It's always risky leaving your car out on the street overnight. 37) The experiments would be too risky to perform on humans. 38) Travel in the region is still considered risky.


Exercise 90.

1) The new program is designed to tempt young people into studying engineering.

2) It would take a lot of money to tempt me to quit this job. 3) Fire officials said devel-

opers are tempting fate by building deep into the scenic canyons. 4) Don't be tempted into betting money on the horses. 5) The club is giving away free T-shirts in order to tempt people to join. 6) Too many investors are tempted by the idea of making a quick fortune. 7) Travel companies tempt people with special offers. 8) There might be a temptation to cheat if students sit too close together. 9) Resist the temptation to buy the item until you're certain you need it. 10) I finally gave in to the temptation and had a cigarette. 11) Selling alcohol at truck stops is an unnecessary temptation for drivers.

12) Life in New York has so many temptations. 13) She thought of taking a day off work, but resisted the temptation. 14) There is always a temptation to blame others for your own problems. 15) That pie looks tempting. 16) It's tempting to believe her story.

17) Inside you'll find tempting recipes from around the world, all beautifully illustrated.

18) Fancy a quick drink, Emma? 19) All the girls fancied him. 20) That bloke on the dance floor really fancies himself. 21) He fancies himself an artist. 22) She fancies her- self  as  another  Madonna.  23)  'The  Petersons  are  getting  divorced.'  'Fancy  that!'

24) Fancy seeing you here! 25) She fancied she heard a noise downstairs. 26) Archer fancied that she had been told of his coming. 27) Everyone knows you fancy Sara. Why don't you ask her out? 28) I just didn't fancy her and that was all there was to it. 29) No such thoughts troubled her, he fancied. 30) Mr Hill took a real fancy to Clara. 31) Want- ing to go to Mexico was just a passing fancy. 32) Did you see anything that took your fancy? 33) The idea of playing a joke on her tickled his fancy. 34) Oh, that was just a fancy of his. 35) The poet Emily Dickinson is known for her brilliant fancies.


Exercise 95.

1) Whose turn is it to set the table? 2) I think it's our turn to drive the kids to school this week. 3) You'll have to take turns on the swing. 4) The students were taking turns reading aloud. 5) Dan and I usually take turns to cook. 6) According to the map we missed our turn back there. 7) I think we took a wrong turn coming out of town.

8) There's a sharp turn coming up ahead. 9) My career had already taken a new turn.

10)The President was stunned by the sudden turn of events. 11) Two days after the operation, Dad took a turn for the worse. 12) I gave the screw another two or three turns. 13) Kate has a colourful turn of phrase. 14) What a strange turn of phrase!

15) I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn, Major Karr. 16) Hopefully my luck was on the turn.

17) Stir until the sugar dissolves. 18) Sugar dissolves in water. 19) Dissolve the tablet in water. 20) The monarch had the power to dissolve parliament. 21) She dissolved into fits of laughter. 22) Her enthusiasm dissolved his shyness. 23) A few clouds formed briefly before dissolving again. 24) The president announced the dissolution of the Na- tional Assembly. 25) A third woman had filed for divorce but never completed the disso- lution.


Exercise 99.

1) Vandals had smashed all the windows. 2) He smashed his fist down on the ta- ble. 3) The film smashed all box office records. 4) Police say they have smashed a ma- jor crime ring. 5) The door had been smashed in. 6) I'll smash his head in if he comes here again! 7) Hooligans started smashing the place up. 8) Her camera was smashed by soldiers when she tried to take photographs. 9) The bottle rolled off the table and smashed to pieces on the floor. 10) The burglars entered the house by smashing a window. 11) Suddenly, there was a smash in the kitchen.


Exercise 103.

1) The painting was judged a fake. 2) Jones can spot a fake from 20 feet away.

3) Her psychologist turned out to be a fake. 4) Beware of fakes when buying antiques.

5) I gave a fake name. 6) She was speaking with a fake German accent. 7) Her coat

had a fake fur collar and cuffs. 8) His I.D. is obviously fake. 9) They were selling fake

Rolex watches on the market stall. 10) She faked her father's signature on the cheque.

11) The insurance company suspected that he had faked his own death. 12) The re- sults of the experiments were faked. 13) I thought he was really hurt but he was faking it. 14) He faked a pass. 15) Someone stole my credit card and forged my signature.

16) Crowds of people forged through the streets towards the embassy. 17) He forged into the lead in the fourth set. 18) Jo's forging ahead with her plans to write a film script.

19) He entered the country using a forged passport. 20) Marino obtained the drugs by forging his doctor's signature on a prescription. 21) The administration will forge new policies on environmental issues in the next few months. 22) Employees must forge their own career paths, seek out promotions and prove their worth every single day.

23) The painting was a very clever forgery. 24) Further investigation showed that the so-called "Hitler Diaries" were a forgery. 25) If the forger tries to write quickly and natu- rally he loses accuracy. 26) He's been charged with tax fraud. 27) She was found guilty of fraud. 28) The police exposed the letter as a fraud. 29) Big losses due to theft and fraud forced the company to close. 30) It was weeks before they realized that the young man who had charmed them all was a fraud. 31) The market and the opportunities for fraud keep growing.


Exercise 110.

1) Who is responsible for these malicious rumours? 2) Miss Simms took a malicious pleasure in other people's misfortunes. 3) People are still malicious because they are mis- erable. 4) This malicious suggestion drove Cephalus mad with jealousy. 5) His eyes gleamed with malice. 6) She did it out of sheer malice. 7) Hagen's voice brims with malice as he plots his revenge. 8) There was no malice, no reproach. 9) It's our last match of the season. 10) They're preparing for a big match tomorrow. 11) Good teams win their home matches. 12) McClaire's goal earned him the title of man of the match. 13)  Don't let your children play with matches. 14) Peg struck a match and lit the candle. 15) I tore up the let- ter and put a match to it. 16) That shirt's a perfect match for your blue skirt. 17) Carlos was no match for the champion. 18) This time you've met your match, Adam Burns! I'm not giv- ing up without a fight! 19) They're a perfect match. 20) Claire made a good match. 21) We need to establish a match between students' needs and teaching methods. 22) Chess ex- perts expected Kasparov to win the next match. 23) Eric scored the only goal in the match against Albany. 24) If we win the next three matches, we could still go through to the semi- final. 25) We painted the cabinets green to match the rug. 26) The suspect matched the descriptions provided by witnesses. 27) Their actions do not match their words. 28) The copy closely matches the original. 29) We'll help you find a home that will match your re- quirements. 30) His strength is matched by his intelligence. 31) Lindsey matched her steps to those of the other girl as they walked. 32) Agassi was matched against Sampras in the final. 33) My mother spent her life trying to match me up with various women. 34) For every outfit, Stephanie seemed to have a handbag and shoes to match. 35) She was wearing black high-heeled shoes that matched her skirt and jacket. 36) Their performance in government didn't quite match their election promises. 37) This lipstick matches your blouse exactly. 38) Wages won't go up to match prices. 39) You can't go out wearing socks that don't match.


Exercise 116.

1) He knew he had been betrayed by a scheming and treacherous woman. 2) Her stepmother was a treacherous, selfish woman. 3) Strong winds and heavy rain are making driving conditions treacherous in some areas. 4) They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths. 5) After a furious argument during which he ac-

cused the prime minister of treachery, he announced that he would resign his Cabinet position. 6) Selling military secrets is an unforgivable act of treachery. 7) When the king learned of his brother's treachery, he quickly ordered his execution. 8) He felt that she had betrayed him. 9) What kind of man would betray his own sister to the police?

10) She had betrayed her parents' trust. 11) The slightest sound might betray his pres- ence. 12) He betrayed his friends in order to save his own life. 13) The new government has betrayed the ideals of the revolution. 14) Women can not betray me, for I have never made the mistake of trusting them. 15) Not by the slightest word or look did she betray to Miss Miggs that she knew she couldn't read. 16) They could see that her body was already betraying her. 17) Some politicians are calling the President's policy a be- trayal of American principles. 18) She hated Nora for the double betrayal and swore that she would never forgive her. 19) At the end of the war Mata Hari was hanged as a traitor. 20) When he left Nicaragua for the US, he was denounced as a traitor to the revolution. 21) His father suffered even more when the revolutionaries decided that he was a traitor and plundered his estate worth ten thousand pounds. 22) Whether she is victim or traitor remains unknown. 23) He had been deceived by a young man claiming to be the son of a millionaire. 24) He tried to deceive the public into thinking the war could still be won. 25) I wouldn't deceive you about anything as important as this. 26) I thought she loved me, but I was deceiving myself. 27) He didn't deceive himself that he and Ruth could remain friends. 28) If you think that everyone is happy with the plan, you're deceiving yourself. 29) I have been badly deceived and robbed. 30) She didn't have the courage to admit to her deception. 31) He was convicted of obtaining money by deception. 32) I'm sure many businessmen use some form of deception, at times, to achieve their objectives. 33) He faced 18 charges of theft and three charges of decep- tion involving a total of £4,560. 34) But Anne Edwards was not given to self-deception and she knew what she was feeling. 35) He now found himself in a world where deceit was accepted, even expected. 36) His political opponents have accused him of corrup- tion and deceit. 37) Precisely for this reason, you end up by trusting no one and sus- pecting everyone of possible deceit. 38) His manner was sly and deceitful. 39) His law- yer argued that his client had not acted deceitfully. 40) He got the contract, but only by being deceitful. 41) I don't trust her. I think she has a deceitful smile. 42) The company has engaged in deceitful practices for years. 43) Gwen's students may look angelic, but appearances can be deceptive. 44) The sea here is very deceptive -- it looks calm but is in fact very dangerous. 45) There is a deceptive simplicity to Irving Berlin's songs.


Exercise 121.

1) These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep. 2) Poor living conditions breed violence and despair. 3) Only some endangered animals can be bred in zoos. 4) Rabbits breed very quickly. 5) The music became a fixture on urban radio in the '80s and bred a generation of fans. 6) These trees are bred to resist pollution.

7) This is a pond where ducks breed. 8) Open-sea fish lay several million eggs each breeding season. 9) The young lieutenant had an air of wealth and good breeding.

10) So it can be understood that planned breeding is not a new idea. 11) Mike had had a  strict  upbringing.  12)  Our  grandmother  took  charge  of  our  religious  upbringing.

13) Evangelicals in the mid-nineteenth century still placed the central responsibility for the upbringing of children upon the family. 14) I mean, I am a well-bred woman.

15) Winsome was a well-bred mare.


Exercise 126.

1) I still have faith in him. 2) The public has lost faith in the government. 3) It's really helped restore my faith in human nature. 4) People from all faiths are welcome.

5) He proposed a second meeting as a sign of his good faith. 6) After what she's been through, I can understand why she's lost faith in the legal system. 7) He's a man of deep religious faith. 8) He had great faith in her judgement, and consulted her about everything. 9) He places a great deal of faith in people's honesty. 10) It was her faith in God that helped her survive the long years in prison. 11) Most of the island's population belong to the Islamic faith. 12) Nothing could shake his faith in God. 13) The only rea- son I stayed in my marriage was because my faith in religion sustained me. 14) The tensions are growing between members of different faiths. 15) He remained faithful to his principles to the last. 16) Do you think Bob's always been faithful to you? 17) His faithful dog waited for him. 18) His model cars are faithful copies of the originals.

19) The band still has a large number of faithful followers. 20) This is a faithful interpre- tation of Shakespeare's original text. 21) He feels his faithful services are not valued, and he longs for death. 22) Geoff had been unfaithful to her on many occasions.

23) Why do women stay with unfaithful partners? 24) Was it possible to be unfaithful yet still love your wife?


Exercise 131.

1) A first rule in solving any mystery is to check the facts. 2) Check that all the doors are locked securely. 3) Let me just check whether the potatoes are cooked.

4) Turn the tap on and check for leaks. 5) You must check the evidence against other sources and decide if it is reliable. 6) I'm not authorized to give you a refund - I'll have to check first. 7) Call the factory to check whether the beds can be delivered today.

8) Check with your doctor before going on a diet. 9) I had to check the urge to laugh out loud. 10) He grinned, and then checked himself, not wanting to upset Jack. 11) Any luggage over five kilos must be checked. 12) Check in two hours before the flight. 13) I said goodbye and went to check in my suitcases. 14) He just called to check in and tell them how he was doing. 15) Honey, can you go upstairs and check on the kids? 16) My neighbour comes in once a week to check on things and feed the fish. 17) He wanted to check on the girl's story. 18) I made a phone call to check out his address. 19) Check it out with your boss before you do anything. 20) If I hear about a website that sounds in- teresting, I check it out. 21) I'll check them out as potential employers. 22) We checked out at noon. 23) The library allows you to check out six books at a time. 24) They spent the rest of the morning checking over their equipment. 25) I'd like the doctor to check you over and do a few tests. 26) Don't worry; no-one is going to check up on you.

27) Dustin called me to check up on some facts. 28) Conduct regular checks on your water quality. 29) I decided to run a check on all personnel. 30) I keep a careful check on my blood pressure. 31) You must learn to keep your emotions in check. 32) Can I pay by check? 33) He presented her mother a tablecloth with red and white checks.

34) A waiter came over and handed me the check.