"Reading Science" - Учебно-методическое пособие (Г.И. Одинокова)

Predicate (сказуемое)


Единицами несоответствия в системах выражения первичного сказуемого в английском и русском языках являются:

1. Дистантное расположение элементов сказуемого по отношению друг к другу и к подлежащему.

2. Грамматические каузативные структуры-словосочетания, которые содер- жат глагол, имеющий каузативное значение (cause, force), или глаголы get, have, которые приобретают каузативное значение только в таких синтаксических кон- струкциях.

3. Inverted Predicate (инвертированные сказуемые).

а) логическое выделение сказуемого при помощи глагола do, который непо- средственно предшествует сказуемому, выраженному личной формой глагола в Present и Past Indefinite Active в утвердительной форме, например: The effects

produced by the small planets like the Earth and Mars are trivial, but Jupiter and Sat- urn do modify the orbits of comets.

Предлагаемая  трансформация  сводится  к  внесению  в  субъектно-преди-

кативное словосочетание эмфазы или к снятию эмфазы.

б) логическое выделение подлежащего при помощи расщепления составного сказуемого и вынесения именной части на первое место — перед подлежащим.


Задания к семинарскому занятию:

Задание I. 1. На основании словесного описания анализируемых структур (см. лекцию) вычлените их элементы из приведенных ниже предложений. 2. Восста- новите пропущенные элементы и соедините расположенные дистантно элементы вычлененных структур. 3. Дайте русский эквивалент этих структур.




During such experiments interfering influences must be excluded and an artificial environment be created in which the contribution of the individual components can be taken account of → During such experiments interfering influences must be excluded and an artificial environment (must be) created...


1. The use of the Present Indefinite instead of the Past Indefinite has already been acknowledged as special means and named the Historical Present. 2. The emo- tive component of meaning may have no specific linguistic form but be contained in the concept the given word denotes. 3. Plot is a sequence of events in which the char- acters are involved, the theme and idea revealed. 4. During the high energy period of a physical biorhythm we are more resistant to illness, better coordinated and more en- ergetic; during the low energy period we are less resistant to illness, less coordinated and tire more easily. 5. The results of their experiments were published and com- mented on in the last issue of this journal. 6. A variety of dark clouds and infrared ob- jects are reported to have been discovered and classified. 7. A large amount of data has been accumulated and analyzed. 8. Definitive answers to these questions are of extreme importance but impossible to give at present. 9. Judges do say in their as- sessment of cruelty: this is a human problem, and a judge cannot, nor should he, leave behind any points of humanity when he sits on the bench. 10. It is at this stage that innovation becomes a group and not an individual activity. 11. This program can be withdrawn from file and used at will to produce a desired part. 12. Data will be col- lected simultaneously, evaluated, and at the conclusion of the experiment presented in the form of a report. 13. When the chamber is properly designed and the voltage prop- erly adjusted the bursts of current may be magnified sufficiently by this process to be detected individually. 14. Specimens with the curvature required for each set of planes have been prepared and used for special purposes. 15. This may be recorded elec- tronographically, converted to a television picture signal or made visible on a phosphor screen from which it can be photographed. 16. It is only by studying the former method that an assessment can be made of the latter, and hence the best choice made for any particular application. 17. But all these efforts were hampered and to a great extent made unfruitful by the fact that the only possible approach seemed to be purely intellectualistic. 18. The hydrological cycle on a planetary scale can be regarded as the result of a gigantic distillation scheme extending over the entire earth. The heating of the subtropical regions by solar radiation leads to a continuous evaporation of water, which is released into the atmosphere and removed by the wind circulation and trans-

ported, mostly in the lower half of the atmosphere, northward and southward into other latitudes. 19. With a strong speaker the leadership and activity of the House of Com- mons is concentrated, its business focused, and its standing relative to the other ele- ments in the legislative struggle — the President and the Senate — enhanced. 20. The significance of each of these elements and the manner of their interaction are unpre- dictable and likely to vary with each successive problem. 21. Both sides could rely upon principles which they believed, or professed to believe, to be legal, but which be- longed as much to the world of politics as of law. 22. Public policy of many countries made it difficult for health professionals to dispense and for the public to obtain advice and materials for effective progress in this field. 23. When the chamber is properly de- signed and the voltage properly adjusted the quanta can be counted. 24. Szilard felt that new ideas revealed all their virtues and charms by being tossed around, circu- lated, shared and played with. 25. The neurons, or nerve cells, arise and are sent forth to play their different parts in a regular spatial and temporal order.


1. But as we shall see this principle, which may, and indeed must work in some cases, has been greatly mitigated by the reforms of 1970. 2. Such metal can quickly and easily be traced, because of its radioactivity, and measured as the motor oper- ates. 3. The echoes of an earthquake ring deep into the earth. Depending on the me-

dium through which they pass, the seismic waves are bent, speeded up, slowed down and in the case of some vibrations stopped altogether. 4. If this fact were not rather doubtful it would establish a literary intercourse between England and Scandinavia previous to Viking ages, and therefore accord with the old Danish legends about King Hrothgar. 5. During such experiments interfering influences must be excluded and an artificial environment be created in which the contribution of the individual components can be taken account of. 6. Several schemes for controlling machine-tools from the

output of a digital computer have been, and are being, developed in various parts of the world. 7. As it happens the special objective I set myself has led me to emphasize even more strongly than I otherwise would the contributions of my own research group

— a kind of scientific autobiography, if you will. 8. To understand why certain entities are, and others are not, endowed with international personality, it is helpful to view the issue in historical perspective. 9. To describe the primary concern of constitutional law in terms of state power is not to imply a primary role for the state and its organs, or to

deny or minimise the importance, in this field, of individual rights. 10. The real reasons for Bruno's condemnation have likewise been obscured, as has the intricate connec- tion between his persecution and the persecution of Galileo. 11. The size of microelec- tronic circuits has decreased to the point where their surface dimensions are meas- ured in microns (thousandths of a millimeter) and their thickness in angstroms (ten- millionths of a millimeter). 12. Its criminal jurisdiction depends entirely upon statutory

provision authorized by the Constitution; and where the statute makes punishable a crime known to and defined by the common law, but does not itself define the crime, the common law is resorted to for the definition.


3адание II. 1. На основании дистрибутивных формул 12, 14 и словесного описания анализируемой структуры вычлените структуру из приведенных ниже предложений. 2. Дайте ее русский эквивалент.

N1 + Vf+ N2 (11) → N + have/getf + N2 + Inf./Part. II (Vf) (12) N, +have/getf+ N2 + Inf./Part. II (13) → N, + Vf (Inf.) + N2 (14) Например: I have typed my paper → I've had my paper typed. I've had my paper translated → 1 have translated my paper.




I.   It is a common practice for a husband, when buying a house, to have it regis- tered into the names of his wife and himself jointly. 2. The second step involves having the motor drive a gear which transmits a reciprocating motion to a lever attached to the

axis of rotation. 3. The rate of progress in research depends on how successful we are in having planned organization substituted for the spontaneous element. 4. When large scale numerical computations are unavoidable the industrial mathematicians will hand them over to the computing device specialists to have them made accurately and quickly. 5. Research starts as a simple inexpensive activity involving only a few scien- tists or engineers, with the motive either of studying the nature of the universe or of having something practical developed. 6. The electronic computer can also be used to

make translations from one language into another by having words converted into fig- ures and vice versa. 7. It would be desirable to have these curves drawn for different metals. 8. Several devices to avoid the necessity of having the installation remounted have been described. 9. James Coleman and his colleagues have done a remarkable job in having this mass of data collected and presented. 10. Carrying telescopes above the atmosphere enables astronomers to have a much larger wavelength region investigated. 11. This is confirmed in several cases by having the results obtained with

drastically different backgrounds compared. 12. The engineer had the instrument in- stalled and the work began. 13. They have had the new equipment tested for work un- der severe conditions. 14. To have the resistivity of grown crystals measured, the crys- tal is first cut in half lengthwise, or a flat is ground on one side, and the probe meas- urements are made on the flat surface. 15. The simplest method of cooling a specimen is to have a liquified gas dripped over it. 16. Today we cannot help witnessing a ten- dency in science to have the collective efforts of a research team to be aimed at the

achievement of a common goal. 17. It is, for instance, possible to have the flowering and fruiting stage coincide with the summer of climate provided the seedling stage can be passed at a higher temperature than is available in those climates.


1. It is a matter of common observation that bodies are to be cooled to get them solidi- fied. 2. Communication can take place only between people with a common aim, a com- mon interest who are able to get each other to understand what they have to say. 3. My

primary aim in writing this book has been to get the principles and techniques clearly un- derstood and to incorporate the most important recent developments. 4. The present study was undertaken for the purpose of getting the two studies correlated. 5. The book contains some common sense advice that can do wonders for your child’s self-confidence at school

— plus a tip on how to get him to eat carrots or any other food he thinks he hates. 6. In any event the general weight of evidence makes us suggest that at this time the principal metal

was bronze. 7. An object of arbitrary shape cannot be made to coincide in appearance and orientation with its mirror image. 8. This curve makes us expect an event of major cosmic significance in the next fifty years. 9. This has made some linguists wonder whether it would not be better to separate the two criteria. 10. One can make an automatic computer carry out any calculations that can be performed by a human operator. 11. One cannot make an object of arbitrary shape coincide in appearance and orientation with its mirror im- age. 12. Light falling on the eye causes the pigment molecule to undergo a temporary

change in geometric structure. 13. The high electron energy in the helium discharge causes many helium atoms to be excited. 14. Changes in legislative techniques have caused this difficulty to arise less often in modern times. 15. Only charged particles are ca-

pable of causing an emulsion to blacken. 16. This structure causes the speaker to select certain features of linguistic description. 17. Keen public interest may cause some followers of science, who are poorly equipped, to enter some branch of scientific endeavour.


Задание III. 1. На основании дистрибутивных формул 15, 17 и словесного описания анализируемых структур вычлените структуры из приведенных ниже предложений. 2. В соответствии с трансформационными формулами 16, 18 пре- образуйте вычлененные структуры (снимите эмфазу). 3. Дайте русские эквива- ленты первоначальной и преобразованной структур.


N + do f + Inf. (15) → N + Vf ( Inf.) (16)


Например: Не does investigate this problem → He investigates this problem.

1. The transfer of information does involve considerable work. 2. That these reac- tions do occur at such temperatures is not very surprising. 3. Various authors do differ somewhat in the details, but the gross features are always the same. 4. There is no doubt experimentally that large deformations do occur. 5. The beam particles do show up strongly against the randomly oriented background tracks. 6. The experimental re- sults do indicate virus may be accounted for by the removal of its protein. 7.1 do have one problem, however, that of interference created by passing autos which have "noisy" ignition system. 8. He did have the opportunity to attract and direct the re- search of Master of Science candidates and in this way could carry on some inde- pendent research. 9. The fact remains that liquids do have tensile strength, and it can be measured. 10. In practice, however, British ministers do enjoy some privileges by custom. 11. The effects produced by the small planets like the Earth and Mars are triv- ial, but Jupiter and Saturn do modify and even radically change the orbits of comets and asteroids. 12. The magic nuclei are in the first class and aluminum, iron and cop- per fall into this category, although they do have multiple-photon emissions. 13. Out of office, ex-ministers do publish articles and memoirs, but only after a lapse of time and with the consent of the Government of the day. 14. So, if we do cite both works to support a single theory of scientific change, we must candidly admit the differences between them rather than treating them both as illustrating one and the same phe- nomenon. 15. Although the law cannot actually control private relationships like these it does try to regulate certain minimum obligations of support, custody and parental au- thority. 16. We might well hope — and he stated in his evidence that he did hope — to obtain some advantage for himself as a result of giving evidence. 17. For a stationary crystal this is an unlikely circumstance, but as the crystal moves, the reciprocal lattice and the sphere of reflexion move relative to each other, and points of the reciprocal lattice do pass through the circle of reflexion. 18. A bipropellant gaseous system does, however, have certain advantages — ease of handling the propellants and ease of burning the two gases efficiently.




Part. I, И (Adj., Prep. Phr.) +bef + N (17) → N + bef + Part. I, II (Adj., Prep. Phr.) (18)

Например: Composed of two atoms is the molecule of hydrogen → The molecule of hydrogen is composed of two atoms.

Participating in the discussion were many scientists → Many scientists were par- ticipating in the discussion.

1. Closely connected with the choice of a Prime-Minister is the power to dissolve

Parliament. 2. Implicit in these speculations is a very modern notion about the nature

of color vision. 3. Implicit in traditional grammar analysis was the binary cutting of sen- tences into the subject and predicate groups. 4. Of very practical value are those crys- tals and other substances in which not only the index, but also the coefficient of ab- sorption, is different for light polarized in different directions. 5. Included in the present volume are the statements of three creative artists and the record of the discussion in- cludes the comments of some others. 6. Buried in the language is a concept going back to antiquity that mind is unitary, hence it can attend to only one object at a time.

7. Immediately adjacent to the motor cortex is the sensory cortex, which receives in- puts from nerve endings in the skin. 8. This apparatus was basically a solid aluminum cylinder. Attached to its surface were piezoelectric crystals that could detect changes in the cylinder's dimensions equivalent to as little as a millionth the diameter of an atom. 9. Arising out of these solutions are certain consequences.