Великобритания - Учебное пособие (Маркушевская Л.П.)

Appendix ii

Questions to be answered.

1.How many invasions were in Britain before Romans?

2.What was called ''villa'' in Roman times?

3.What did a new group of invaders consist of?

4.Who brought Christianity to ordinary people of Britain?

5.How did Henry I who was the youngest brother manage to become a king?

6.What was the struggle for between the King and Church for?

7. Whom did the House of Commons consist of in 13th century?

8. What was called ''common law'' in 12th century?

9. How do you understand the word ''guild''?

10.What was the main aim of Henry VII saving money?

11.Why did Henry the Eighth quarrel with Pope and Roman Church?

12.Why did Elizabeth I agree to execution of Scottish Queen Marry?

13.What was the reason of steep inflation in the seventeenth century?

14.Why were the Commons so angry with Elizabeth I?

15. Why James I could not cope with the Parliament?

16.Why was Britain so much interested in new possessions in West India?

17.What was the name of the ship in which ''Pilgrim Fathers'' sailed to


18.What were four main classes in 18th century towns?

19.What had become one of the main producers of food in Europe?

20.When did admiral Nelson destroy French-Spanish fleet at Trafalgar?

21.What was the aim of the Great Exhibition opened by Queen Victoria in 1851?

22.What was the greatest example of Britain industrial power in mid-nineteenth


23.What was the most important idea in people's thinking in ХIХ century?

24.What did Robert Owen, a factory owner, to improve life conditions of workers?

25.What were women allowed after 1870?

26.When did the Beatles music become popular?

27.What did M. Thatcher promise for Britain?