Роль і місце бухгалтерського обліку, контролю й аналізу в розвитку економічної науки і практики - Збірник матеріалів ІІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, 6—7 грудня 2012 р.

Accounting rules: what’s new?


Modern banking system is one of the most complex systems that constantly experiencing information need for internal and external users. Satisfy it may be more of a Bank account, which forms a detailed, accurate and meaningful information about the activity of the credit organization and its property status. From 1 January 2013, the Bank records transferred to the new Bank of Russia Regulation №

385-P  [1].  The  analysis  showed  that,  in  General,  preserved  the

structure of the Plan of accounts and the Rules of accounting in credit institutions, however, there are changes in synthetic accounts, and in the common parts and the characteristics of the accounts, and in the annexes, which is connected with the change of the payment system of Russia [2]. So, after comparison of the structure of the chart of accounts of credit institutions, we see that the significant changes in CH.   A   «Balance   of   account»   affected   section   3   «Interbank» subsection   «Interbank   settlements»   (excluded   accounts:   30213

«Accounts of the participants of settlements in clearing non-Bank credit organizations» intended for accounting of funds deposited by

credit organizations for settlement in the settlement NCO, reflecting the  results  of  clearing  and  gross  settlement.  The  account  is  a participant in a settlement — and-credit organization; and the bill

30214 «Accounts of the participants of settlements settlement non- Bank   credit   organizations»,   intended   for   accounting   of   funds deposited the participants of the settlement in the settlement NCO for

settlements in clearing, a reflection of the results of clearing and gross settlement).   Added   new   account:   30235»Account   for   the   cash servicing of credit organizations (branches), which is not at the place of opening of correspondent accounts (subaccounts)», intended for accounting of the funds transferred from the credit organization (branch) from the correspondent the accounts (sub-accounts) for the

receipt of cash, if the cash servicing is carried out not on a place of opening   of   correspondent   accounts   (subaccounts),   and   30236

«Incomplete transfers, received from payment systems and on correspondent accounts», intended for accounting of the amounts of the transfers of funds that are to be fulfilled on the basis of orders of the participants of the payment system — payers, as well as the sums

of transfers credited to the correspondent account (except for correspondent accounts in the Bank of Russia), but not listed (transferred) on the same day as directed.

Changed the names of the part of the accounts, significant changes have  been  made  to  account  №304.  So,  if  earlier  on  account  304

«Calculations  on  the  regulated  securities  market»  was  carried  out

accounting of the funds of the participants of the OSM settlement

center upon completion of payment between them for operations in

the organized securities market in the order, established by the Bank

of Russia, now account 304 «Account for the implementation of the

clearing» is intended for accounting of funds of clearing participants

and  other  persons  [3],  designed  for  execution  and  (or)  to  ensure

fulfillment  of  commitments  made  to  the  clearing,  as  well  as  the

obligation to pay remuneration to the clearing organization and other

organizations, providing the conclusion and execution of transactions in accordance with the law on clearing. As for the account 30219, which previously had no sign of accounts, now became passive.

In  addition,  we  can  see  that  the  names  of  the  accounts  have

undergone changes (it is on the accounts of 303 and 304), there are

changes in the accounts of the second-order accounts 302, 303 and

304) and section 4 «Transactions with clients» section «Means on

accounts» (changed the names of the accounts 40901, 40902, 40905,

40909 — 40913). Thus, if the previous account 40901 called «Letters

of credit to pay the» now «Liabilities under letters of credit», 40902

«Letters  of  credit  payable  on  settlement  of  accounts  with  non-

resident» is now called the «Liabilities under letters of credit with

non-residents»,  40905  «Current  accounts  of  the  authorized  and

outstanding translations of the» now «Unpaid translations»; 40909

«Translations  in  the  Russian  Federation»  —  «Outstanding  cross-

border transfers of funds»; 40910 «Transfers to non-residents of the

Russian Federation» — «Outstanding cross-border transfers of funds

to non-residents», 40911 «Transit Account» — «Received cash for

interpretation», 40912 «Translations from the Russian Federation» —

«Received cash for transboundary transfer «, 40913» Transfers from

non-residents  of  the  Russian  Federation  «-»  Received  cash  for

transboundary transfer of non-residents. «

In Chap. «B», «B», «C» and «D» there is no change, except in Ch.

«B», the term «settlement documents» is replaced by «orders.» In this

context,  off-balance  account  90901  renamed  «Order,  pending  the

acceptance for payment, pending authorization of operations» (former

name — «Settlement documents awaiting acceptance for payment»), off-

balance account 90902 is now called «Orders not paid in time» (in 302-P

— «Settlement documents are not paid on time»), and the account 90909

has a new name, «accepted by the customer orders, money for not

debited from bank accounts» (earlier — «Settlement documents pending

the DPP» ). Of off-balance sheet accounts is excluded account number

90903, which is called «settlement documents clients are not paid on

time  due  to  lack  of  funds  in  correspondent  accounts  of  credit

institutions.» Slightly changed the structure of the Regulations, the form

and the Balance Sheets. With regard to changes in Part I [1], the Bank of

Russia made a large number of stylistic edits.

Thus, we believe that these innovations will improve the bank

account  and  ultimately  realize  the  main  purpose  of  the  Russian

banking   sector   in   the   medium   term,   an   active   part   in   the

modernization of the economy by significantly raising the level and

quality of banking services.


1. Position of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation of 16.07.12 №

385-P  «On  the  accounting  rules  in  credit  organizations,  located  in  the

Russian Federation»

2. Federal Law № 161-FZ «On the national payment system.»

3.  Federal  Law  №  7-FZ  of  7.02.  2011  «On  clearing  and  clearing



Кузьмінська О. Е., канд. екон. наук, професор кафедри обліку в кредитних і бюджетних установах та економічного аналізу,

ДВНЗ «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана»