Теория и практика перевода - Учебное пособие (М.И. Солнышкина)

Part v translation as an object of linguistic modeling


Translation means both a process and a result.


Modeling a language is indeed modeling a model since a language is a model.


as  an  object  of  linguistic  modeling  translation  is  a  complex  entity  consisting  of interrelated components:





Translation is a functional interaction of language and to study this process we are to


1) interactive elements

2) rules of interaction

Among the interactive elements we distinguish a)  observable ones

b)  deducible from the observables


In translation you some operations:


 Answer the questions and comment on the following:


1.  Is translation a process or a result?

2.  What does “modelling a model” mean?

3.  What are the two models we deal with in translation?

4.  What are the interrelated components of translation as a complex entity?

5.  Comment on interactive elements and rules of interaction in translation.

6.  What are the observable and deducible elements in translation?

7.  Analyse the operations fulfilled in translaton.

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