Теория и практика перевода - Учебное пособие (М.И. Солнышкина)

Module 11


1. Analyse and comment on the following translations of the extract from the story “Dark They

Were, and Golden Eyed” by Ray Bradbury:


The rocket's metal cooled in the meadow winds. Its lid gave a bulging pop. From its clock interior stepped a man, a woman, and three children. The other passengers whispered away across the Martian meadow, leaving the man alone among his family.

The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight as if he were standing at

the centre of a vacuum. His wife, before him, trembled. The children, small seeds, might at any instant be sown to all the Martian climes. The children looked up at him. His face was cold. "What's wrong?" asked his wife. "Let's get back on the rocket." "Go back to Earth?" "Yes! Listen!"

The wind blew, whining. At any moment the Martian air might draw his soul from him, as

marrow comes from a white bone.

He looked at Martian hills that time had worn with a crushing pressure of years. He saw the

old cities, lost and lying like children's delicate bones among the blowing lakes of grass.

"Chin up, Harry," said his wife. "It's too late. We've come at least sixty-five million miles or



The children with their yellow hair hollered at the deep dome of Martian sky. There was no

answer but the racing hiss of wind through the stiff grass.

He picked up the luggage in his cold hands. "Here we go," he said - a man standing on the

edge of a sea, ready to wade in and be drowned.


They walked into town.














Они     были




Dark They Were, and Golden- Eyed







From its clock interior stepped a man, a woman, and three children

Из люка выступили мужчина, женщина и трое детей

Первым вышел мужчина, потом женщина стремя детьми, за ними остальные






Слушай!         Ты слышишь?





seemed to whirl away in a smoke

ему  казалось  –  сейчас  она улетит, рассеется как дым

ее била дрожь





The wind blew as if to flake away their identities

Дул     ветер,  будто  хотел развеять их в пыль

Стонущий      ветер   дул,     не переставая



They saw tje old cities, lost in Смотрели на древние города,          …        на        развалины      города,



their meadows, lying like chiloldren’s delicate bones among the blowing lakes of grass

затерянные в лугах, будто хрупкие детские косточки, раскиданные в зыбких озерах трав

затерявшиеся в море травы






громко закричали     разноголосо защебетали





He picked up the luggage in his cold hands

Похолодевшими       руками человек подхватил чемоданы

Мужчина        схватился       за чемоданы




2. Try and guess the meaning of the following neologisms, give their Russian equivalents:


1.   videorazzi             


2.   middle youth        


3.   earwitness            


4.   digiverse   


5.   portfolio career     


6.   pre-millennial tension       


2.  Correct the following versions of translation picked up from motion pictures:


Original           Translation      Notes

1          Encore! Encore!          Анкор! Анкор!


2          Lynn:  OK.  Here  we  go.

Classics, Twisted Sister ...

Alf: If you don’t like that one, I’ll take it!

Так. Что тут у нас? Классика, обманутые сестры…

Альф: Последнюю не выкидывай! Я могу взять, если она тебе не нужна.


3          Alf: Did I tell you a joke?       Альф: Я тебе рассказывал шутку?


4          Julio Street      Джулио-стрит


5          Alf: Don’t put your son on my account.

Альф: Рожайте, только не за мой счет.


6          Willi:   That’s  why     you made breakfast.

Alf: Can’t hurt.

Вилли:  Так  вот  почему  ты  приготовил завтрак.

Альф: Не могу поступить плохо.


7          – You should go to sleep.

–  I  can’t.  I’m too  wound

– Ложись спать.

– Не могу. Я слишком уязвлен.



8          That’s it for Christmas.           Это для Рождества.


9          I could only lie to him so long.

Я ему все наврала.


10        That’s unanimous!       Анонимное голосование!


11        Go ahead!       Иди прямо!


12        – I would like to ask you a few questions, miss Jenny.

– Jenny will do.

– Я хочу задать Вам несколько вопросов, мисс Дженни.

– Дженни ответит.


13        You’re gonna to give me a rain-check.

Тебе придется выставить мне неустойку.


14        My girl!           Теперь ты моя!


15        Good girl!       Хорошая девочка!


16        – This is some lighter.

– One of a kind!

–  Красивая зажигалка!

–  Обычная!..


17        Biggles   and   Ginger   are comrades, comrades-in- arms!

Биглз и Джинджер друзья, близкие друзья!


18        Go to Saville Row.     Пойдите к Сэвилю Роу.


19        commander Daniels    командующий Даниельс


20        Now, look here, Poirot!          Посмотрим здесь, Пуаро!


21        – Give ‘em a tip. 50 cents.

– Apiece?

– I don’t know.

– Дайте им на чай 50 центов.

– Взять чек?

– Не знаю.


22        Mascara!          Маскара!


23        What  do  you  want  from him?! He’s butterfingers!

Что  ты  от  него  хочешь?!  Он  же  Батер


24        Fith Element   Пятый элемент


25        Red Heat         Красная жара

4. Translate the sentences working on the words in italics:


1.  The crime was caught on camera by police.


2.  Foreign trade is of critical importance to the economy.


3.  Currently its sole model is the Kallista, a sort of replica of a 1930s open-top sports car.



4.  It was not only the female compositors who were being asked for support.


5.  In the epidemic of 1916, physicians could do little more for the thousands who fell ill than advise bed rest.



6.  The success of the book was heightened by media speculation about who the characters were in real life.



7.  The gifts, though not extravagant, were nice.


8.  All service vehicles apart from bullion and post office vans will also not be allowed to enter the areas between restricted hours.



9.  He ran the torch over the shelves cabinets table drawers but there were no more photographs and no obvious photo albums.



10. The election of the mayor was usually a popular occasion.


11. The only decoration in the room was a picture above the fireplace.



12. A velvet choker was tied around her neck; massive gold earrings hung from her lobes.



13. Environmental groups held a rally in London last week.


14. Meanwhile it has been a bad week for the security and intelligence services.




5. Give a good translation of the text analysing the peculiarities of translation of terms in the text:

Science often means different things to  different people. To  many it  means bodies of knowledge about the physical world grouped under different subjects; to some it means research or

the pursuit of truth; to some it means the development of technology intended to benefit mankind;

and to others it means finding out, experimenting, measuring. These are all different aspects of

science, as the knowledge, experimenting, technology, etc., have all been produced by what could be called the "processes of science". Environmental problems are just one aspect of life to which

science can be applied, but they are quite urgently in need of solution. Some science concepts are particularly relevant in the solving of environmental issues. Among them are

1. Energy (types of energy, law of conservation of energy, and law of energy degradation);

2.  Ecosystem (energy flow  in  ecosystems,  law  of conservation of matter,  nutrient  cycling  in ecosystems, evolution of ecosystems);

3. Resources (the nature of resources: inexhaustible, renewable, irreplaceable);

4. Food (production, nutrition, energy use);

5. Pollution (pollutant, threshold, synergy, persistence, biological magnification);

6. Human population (growth and control, birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, marriage age, density,

and distribution).


6. Translate the following figure and the commentary given to it:


Figure 1. The pathways leading to the breakdown of stratospheric ozone.



The gases involved move slowly into the stratosphere where they are broken down by UV light into ozone-destroying catalysts. (Adapted from Warr K. (1990) in New Scientist 17 October: 36-40.)


7. Translate the following terms into Russian:


blind broker visual control bonus

active interface

gold certificate vibration monitoring crossed cheque

gas chromatograph

clearing bank

atomic mass spectrometer

close corporation

Magna Carta

bank references


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London Traded Options ------------------------------------------------------

tariff quota----------------------------------